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Tackle the Housing Crisis

My vision for North Cowichan involves building more affordable housing for working people and the most vulnerable members of our community. My priorities are to:

  • Adopt a new affordable housing strategy for North Cowichan that includes a wide range of policies and regulations to expand the affordable housing supply.

  • Secure provincial funding for housing project with the Community Land Trust Foundation of BC to build nearly 100 townhouse and apartment units on municipal land on Sherman Road.

  • Require all major housing developments to include a minimum percentage of units affordable for low and moderate income households.


  • Lobby the federal and provincial government for funding to build affordable housing in North Cowichan.

  • Introduce land use policies and bylaws to encourage affordable housing, such as rental-only zoning, density bonusing, and infill development.

  • Fast-track development approval process for garden suites and coach houses, by providing pre-approved designs not requiring individual form and character review.

  • Encourage non-profit housing developments by fast-tracking applications, providing municipal land, and waiving Development Cost Charges (DCCs) and building fees.

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