Rob Douglas
for North Cowichan Mayor
Defend the Environment
My vision for North Cowichan involves protecting sensitive environmental areas and ensuring we do our part to fight climate change. My priorities are to:
Implement actions in North Cowichan’s updated “Climate Action & Energy Plan” with a target of reducing local emissions by 80% over the next 30 years.
Continue to partner with local environmental groups and residents on programs and initiatives to address water quality issues and restore fish and wildlife habitat in the Quamichan and Somenos Watersheds.
Develop climate change adaptation strategy recognizing the increased risks of extreme weather events (floods, wildfires, heat waves) and sea level rise.
Work with local naturalists and residents to introduce a Biodiversity Protection Policy to identify and protect wildlife habitat and other sensitive ecological areas throughout the municipality.
Sustainably manage North Cowichan’s water supplies through water conservation measures and long-term planning, recognizing capacity limits of our major aquifers.
Expand tree canopy cover across municipality by developing an urban forest strategy with an annual tree plating program, and updating the subdivision and zoning bylaws.
Expand and improve North Cowichan’s system of parks and trails, balancing recreation uses and conservation of environmentally sensitive areas.